Unit 7 - Luxuries

Private schools vs public´s schools
Many times the parents think in their children´s future and want the best for them. Something they have difficulty in deciding between sending a child to a public school or a private school. And we ask which the best option for the child needs really? Its a luxury or its a necessary?

Many school in our country public in the magazines, papers, or some publicity about their amazing school, the best teacher, the best pensum and the best place, but always its too much for the necessary for the child and offer a luxury instead off a good education, because they have many labs or computers and offer this for earn money wtih a expensive pension and lose the good education. Whereas in many public school the people think that its so bad because the teacher isn´t preparate or graduate and the teaching don´t help the students, but these school have a certification requirements because are the goverment. Others private school are really good because have a internatinonal agreements and good teachers that help the child for yor education and future. Whereas others public school´s place are neglect because the government doesn´t care for these and the teachers do not teach classes because the government does not pay on time.The parents give the best to their child and send them to a private school but many parents Many parents do not have the possibilities and can not send them to good private schools, but there are good public schools and send them there.
Before the parents choose the real option study the factors make people favor public or private school in general. More than luxury is a privilege education is a right that not all people have.