UNIT 9- Life in the past

Over time, people have changed and so everything that is around also has. For example: cars, homes, fashion, among others. But we had a good chance to have evolution all the services and basics medias. Such as postal services, water systems in the city and the recollection of garbage service.
The postal service has changed a lot because in addition to the letter there are more media such as radio, newspapers, television, and internet. And people can be communicated in this way. The postal service is much faster because not everyone communicates in this way, and now is processed by machines and these are sent in a car or plane that transported the packages or cards to send on or off the country.
The city water systems also have changed. Previously it had picked up water because the river or wells but now we have water pipes that pass under the city and give us water. This water is processed and purified for the whole world has and purified water in their homes. And the people charge for this service because it takes a long process.
The garbage collection service has not changed much because the people pick up trash at various times and all that crap is processed by machines, to separate what can be recycled and not. The machine is the only thing that has changed and the current name is now "clean port".
Over time, people have changed and so everything that is around also has. In the future this was the past and the people evolution. People change and change is always good to think about the welfare of all.